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February 2014 Student of the Month – Mike F.

Thursday, February 13, 2014
SylvainMike F. (forum name: Mflander)
My City: Elk River, MN
Forum Username: Mflander

My Instruments/gear: 
- Martin D-1GT with an Anthem SL installed
- Breedlove C250-CME.
- Jamman Express pedal
- Polytune 2 pedal
- Studio One Pro w/ EZDrummer

Favorite Artists/Bands:   
- I am a big Luke Bryan fan, his song "Drink a beer" really hit home for me. KT Tunstall is also another favorite. I am eclectic though, so my IPod is loaded with everything from classical to rock, blues to country.

Favorite style(s) to play:
- I have enjoyed playing everything I have learned so far, with Moon River being my favorite piece so far. My interests moving forward right now are fingerstyle and blues. Combining the two is the ultimate goal!

What made you want to play music?
I have a good friend who has played guitar his whole life. While at his house one night, he broke out the guitar. I went and bought one the next day. I noodled around for a couple months that winter, and then didn’t pick it back up again until this last November. In the last 3-4 months it has become a part of my life. My daily "wind down" if you will. Almost therapeutic.

Previous music experience: 
The only previous music experience I have is playing percussion in school. I played drums with orchestra. I have always had an interest though, just didn’t take the plunge until now for some reason.

If your house was on fire, which instrument would you grab?
If my house was on fire, I would have to grab my Martin. I spent a lot of time researching and shopping to find this guitar, I wouldn’t want to try and find another like it. Then again, I do enjoy shopping for guitars. Maybe I should let it burn so I can shop for another?

What is your favorite place to be when playing guitar?  While I haven’t had my guitar up to our family cabin yet, I am really looking forward to bringing it this summer. I can’t imagine a better place to play then to be sitting on the back porch of the cabin, watching the lake, playing my guitar after a long day of fishing. I don’t see it getting much better than that.

What has been your highest, most delightful musical moment so far?
My best musical moment so far has to be putting out our family Christmas cd this last Christmas. We made a CD of 7-8 songs to give to our parents and grandparents. The response was incredible. My grandparents are in there late 70’s, and winter in Texas. They were not able to be here for Christmas this year. My Grandma called me and told me that the CD was the best Christmas present they have ever received. She told me it made them feel like they were right here with us. Talk about an amazing feeling to be able to give a gift like that!

What are your hobbies other than guitar?
I have a few hobbies, but my main love is kayak fishing. You can bet that on most summer weekends, you will find me paddling out on the water chasing that next big bass! My wife and kids really enjoy fishing also, so we spend a lot of time together on the local rivers and lakes.

What is your job?
I am the Service Manager at Endisys in Rogers, MN. Primarily a Graco Distributor, we produce fluid pumping equipment. We work with equipment that pumps anything from paint to peanut butter. I am responsible for all of our service, and also for installing and training customers on new equipment. This requires me to travel frequently(I am currently typing this in Denver). I could be working the oil fields coating containment tanks one day, and be in a medical clean room working on silicone parts the next. Really an enjoyable job, and I hope to be doing it for many years to come!
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